Magical Words from Disney💞

Long has the time gone when we used to solely enjoy our time with these magical beings sitting on the couch, with a cup of hot-chocolate on the TV. That time we surely never noticed or gave too much attention to the positivity that we used to get from these cartoons. Hence, today, I wouldContinueContinue reading “Magical Words from Disney💞”

The Phoenix Must Burn to Emerge

Photo by Rostislav Uzunov from Pexels “Failure is the path to success” is an old saying which most of the people out there must have heard before, but how many of them have you seen applying it and accept it with an open mind. The burning desire and hunger for success often become the reason for which failureContinueContinue reading “The Phoenix Must Burn to Emerge”

Chasing Dreams (Guest Post)

Photo by Alexandr Podvalny from Pexels What do I want?The question that sounds more like taunt!It sounds so simple, but it gives me anxiety,I’m lost and indecisive, but I blame society,Is everything I want the same as what I need?If I let myself be selfish, would the others call it greed?My desires are not confined,They’re free and undefined,DoesContinueContinue reading “Chasing Dreams (Guest Post)”

The Circle of Time

Photo by Andrey Grushnikov from Pexels Sixty seconds make a minute,Not some ordinary digit,Working to the limit,Can give success a visit.Sixty minutes make an hour,Life can be sweet or sour,But not a bed of flower,Time is not in our power.Twenty-four hours make a day,Wasting hours today,Can take your dreams away,And you won’t have any say.Thirty-one days make aContinueContinue reading “The Circle of Time”

Quotes For a Day Full of Inspiration🎊

Staying at home for a really long time, when the whole world is suffering through this very difficult situation can easily make one feel more negative and this increases if you already suffer from anxiety,depression or any other health problems.Today I am here, to boost you up with some Inspirational quotes🎀. We should always rememberContinueContinue reading “Quotes For a Day Full of Inspiration🎊”

Its Time You Know

Photo by samer daboul from Pexels Its time you know, To let your gloom go, To let free winds blow, To let hope seeds sow. Its time you know, To let future flow, To let present glow, To let past go. Its time you know, To let efforts grow, To let worries slow, To let shadows go. ItsContinueContinue reading “Its Time You Know”